A new relationship with animals, nature and each other.

Posts from the ‘Earth’ category

  • Climate Change: from War to Brain Damage

    As climate change accelerates, our warming planet is driving crises that range from war on one side of the globe to brain-damaged babies on the other. A few reports from recent…

  • Climate News to Make Your Blood Boil

    What a week for climate change. A blizzard of new studies and reports. Let’s start in the Middle East – you know, that place where we dig up more oil than anywhere else in…

  • Ocean Circulation May Be Shutting Down

    Remember the 2004 movie The Day After Tomorrow, where fresh water from melting polar ice pours into the North Atlantic, pushing down the warm salt water and causing ocean currents…

  • Almost Toast

    You might reasonably assume that the red line in this diagram illustrates what happens if humankind takes no action at all on climate change. But no, what the red line actually…

  • What Really Sparked the War in Syria

    Satellite image showing Syria at focal point of Middle East drought. It’s horrific, intractable, seemingly endless … and quite possibly the shape of other wars to come.…