A new relationship with animals, nature and each other.

Count Dracula’s Kitties

Toothsome pearly whites looking for a friendly neck

Count Azul would love a little taste of your neck. He and his fellow Counts, below, were some of my favorite rescued kitties looking for good homes at Halloween time, several years ago, at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary. Some more of my favorites:

Above: Countess Delia and Count Mike were just getting ready for a tasty trick or treat.

Above: Count Quincy wasn’t sure whether you bite down from above, or up from below.

Above: Count Starburst said it’s best to do both at the same time.

Above: Count Vante wasn’t quite sure whether it would truly be love at first bite.

But Count Sunshine explained that it’s love at every bite.

And for the ultimate cool Dracula count . . .

There was no one to beat – or bite – Countess Joni.

Happy Halloween to all your favorite counts and countesses!