A new relationship with animals, nature and each other.

Benedict and Cats

Speaking of the Pope and nonhuman animals, we came across some cute photos of Pope Benedict and cats. Benedict is known as a serious cat person.

First, Chico, whom Benedict had to put in the care of his housekeeper in Germany when he moved to the Vatican since, we gather, no cats are allowed in the papal residence. (Shame!)


But there are no anti-cat rules at Castelgandolfo, where, according to USA Today, “there are kitties all over the enormous garden at the papal retreat.” And there will be plenty of cats at Benedict’s new home at the convent of Mater Ecclesiae at the Vatican.

Also, not sure where this one came from. Is it for real?

And here he is with another cat, Gracey:



And if no cats are allowed at the official papal residence, we’re not sure where this one came from. Just another Vatican mystery:
