A new relationship with animals, nature and each other.

Archive for ‘June, 2011’

  • Introducing the Whale Sanctuary Project

    This blog is taking a break for the next few months so that I can devote my energies to the Whale Sanctuary Project. Here's why.

  • Is the Sloth Sanctuary a Zoo?

    The Sloth Sanctuary in Costa Rica was the first of its kind for these wonderfully engaging animals, and it was a model for others that followed. But questions have arisen. And…

  • Tafi Atome Monkey Sanctuary

    Tafi Atome looks like a typical forest in Ghana. The monkeys have been revered in this village for two centuries. But being “sacred” is no guarantee of survival.

  • The Great Irony of Animal “Rights”

    The great irony of the animal rights movement is there is still only one species that has any rights at all: humans. But the Nonhuman Rights Project is setting out to change that.

  • Why Mass Extinction Is Part of Human Nature

    Why would a supposedly “intelligent” species behave in a way that’s bringing about a mass extinction – one that will likely take us down along with so many other animals?

    Tony Treat for Dog Trainer

    It began with Sandy, the dog who became a star in Annie. At the Tony Awards, Bill Berloni received a special honor for his work training animals for their roles in the theater.

    Trouble No More

    Leona Helmsley’s pooch passes Leona Helmsley with Trouble The notorious “Queen of Mean” insisted that her Maltese dog, Trouble, be referred to as “Princess.” And she…

    Are We Nearly There?

    Mother goose takes her brood for a stroll on the freeway Drivers on the inside lane of the I-90 in Mercer Island, off the coast of…

    When the Sun Sneezes

    A giant explosion! Solar flare, from NASA When the sun sneezed on Tuesday, it was big. In this case, more than a billion tons of material…

    Nothing Dumbo about Elephants

    Elephants are very smart. And it’s true that they never forget. But they do sometimes argue over what’s the best way to that nice watering hole the family went to last year.

    A Whale of a Sighting

    More than 20 fin whales were spotted together two weeks ago off the coast of Wales. Fin whales are the second largest living animals on the planet.

    Dolphins Play

    Dolphins at play, fourth graders show every animal matters, a ‘Golden Age’ of natural gas, or a disaster in the making, plus homeless animals roaming the Fukashima nuclear plant.

    Who Trains Whom?

    “What is it about my personality that allows the dogs to dictate my behaviors?” asks Dr. Ruby Benjamin. How dogs seem to have a way of training us.