A new relationship with animals, nature and each other.

Posts from the ‘Guest Posts’ category

    Do Dogs Know When Their Person Is Blind?

    Experts weigh in on what exactly dogs and other animals know. One says they don’t have abstract mental concepts like “seeing.” Another says they do. And another tells a story about a dog who “clearly knew what it meant for a human to be blind.”

    Lights, Camera, Safety!

    Behind the scenes on movies sets around the world with the people who have been making sure for 70 years that “No Animals Were Harmed.”

    Wildlife Crossing: Top Designs Announced

    Millions of animals are killed on our roads every year. Wildlife migrating through Colorado has to contend with the I-70. Now five teams of designers have proposed plans for a wildlife crossing. Check out their designs; one of them will be the winner

    Caught in the Custody Crossfire

    Did Norton the parrot belong with the family he now lived with? Or with the neighbors who had given him away but now wanted him back? Companion animal custody cases are becoming more common. Check out the judge’s ruling in this one, and tell us if you agree.

    Text 911 to Elephants!

    Elephants sending text messages? Sounds like an advertising stunt. in fact, it’s a groundbreaking attempt to save their lives in parts of Africa where they come into conflict with farms and villages

    Giving Thanks for Water

    An American teacher spends a year overseas. “We had a comfortable apartment, but it’s tough pumping water by hand and carrying it home. If you need anything to be grateful for this Thanksgiving, consider the humble glass of water.”

    Creating Your Own Wildlife Preserve

    Arizona resident replaces water-thirsty lawn with native plants. She saves water and money, and soon birds and other welcome wildlife are gracing her backyard. “It’s a riot of color in spring when everything is blooming,” she says

    Who Stops for a Turtle in the Road?

    Psychologists say you can learn a lot about human nature by studying how people behave toward other animals. So a group of scientists put a fake turtle and a fake snake on the road and watched to see how drivers reacted.

    Nature’s Superhero

    Blue-green algae grows almost anywhere, soaks up greenhouse gases, can be used as a great new fuel source, and is a healthy addition to many foods. Like any other superhero, it’s almost magical!

    How Not to Help a Hawk

    Let’s leave rehab to the professionals By Liz Stelow, D.V.M. “There’s a woman named Judy here with a red-tailed hawk,” our receptionist told me. I thanked…

    Man vs. Wild

    Is the Discovery Channel showing graphic violence to attract a particular demographic and to increase its profits? “Yes,” says author Jonathan Balcombe, “and that’s how cynically I view this program.”

    A Chime for Peter

    There are many rituals to say goodbye to people we love, but almost none for beloved pets. At a windy Utah animal sanctuary, a psychotherapist learns to mourn for Peter, a dog who died too soon.

    A Life of True Surplus

    Twelve thousand feet up in the Himalayas live a people who lack for nothing, grow a surplus of food, and have done this for hundreds of years. Their most impressive surplus is time. How they do it and what we can learn.