A new relationship with animals, nature and each other.

Posts from the ‘Guest Posts’ category

    Rescuing the Hermit Crabs

    Ranger Leanne Sarco loves all creatures great and small. By Barbara R. Saunders Team Gulf & The Hermit Rescue Project from Eugenio A. Salazar on Vimeo.…

    Happiness Is a Warm Puppy

    How a dog helped a patient in psychotherapy rediscover her true emotions. “Animals have a way of triggering the deep imprisoned emotions of love, kindness, trust, value and playfulness,” explains psychologist Dr. Ruby Benjamin.

    Cow Pumps Her Own Water

    Aet at a village water pump, a “water-cooler discussion.” By Rishi Dev I was just driving through a village. It was hot as ever and I…

    Bridge Over Troubled Highways

    Highways are not designed to be crossed. But if you’re an animal on a perilous migration, and a highway is what stands between you and survival, well, you’ll try anything. But help is on the way!

    Living in the Southwest

    More and more, it’s all about the water By Laura Merrill “When the well is dry, we know the worth of water.” Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard’s…

    The Avatar Paradox

    The intimate glimpse into the pulsing center of the natural world that modern technology delivers to us is threatening the natural world as never before. By Ptolemy Tompkins For a…

    The Giving Tree

    Few people need convincing that trees are good. Their emotional and psychological value, though hard to define, is powerful and indisputable. Trees clean the air, provide protection from noise and wind, and impart a calming and peaceful aspect to the surrounding streetscape. Trees are not like mailboxes or benches or other site amenities; they are biological touchstones and quite literally living community participants. So if the street trees in your neighborhood or downtown aren’t looking so good, what to do?

    Why Me?

    By Jill Schensul The fish flew out the car window. The car never slowed down. The fish hit the road with a thwump, 10 yards ahead…