A new relationship with animals, nature and each other.

Posts tagged ‘the human animal’

Why It’s ‘Manly’ to Shoot Birds

John Kerry made a last ditch stand to gain more votes in his presidential campaign by donning camo gear and heading out to shoot small animals. This, his campaign managers, believed, would make him seem like more of a leader.

Where Are the Churches?

Church inaction over animal welfare compounds animal cruelty, said Professor Andrew Linzey, a theologian at Oxford University and director of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics.

Why Cats Should Teach

Our society places much stock in being intelligent and having smart children, which is why schools administer so many different kinds of tests. But over the last decade, educators and parents have seriously challenged such approaches, standardizing tests, and the premise upon which they are based.

‘I Am Not an Animal!’

While it doesn’t bother ethics experts much when genes are mixed from two non-human animals, it’s much more alarming when they create human-other chimeras.

Who Stops for a Turtle in the Road?

Psychologists say you can learn a lot about human nature by studying how people behave toward other animals. So a group of scientists put a fake turtle and a fake snake on the road and watched to see how drivers reacted.