A new relationship with animals, nature and each other.

Archive for ‘August, 2012’

  • Introducing the Whale Sanctuary Project

    This blog is taking a break for the next few months so that I can devote my energies to the Whale Sanctuary Project. Here's why.

  • Is the Sloth Sanctuary a Zoo?

    The Sloth Sanctuary in Costa Rica was the first of its kind for these wonderfully engaging animals, and it was a model for others that followed. But questions have arisen. And…

  • Tafi Atome Monkey Sanctuary

    Tafi Atome looks like a typical forest in Ghana. The monkeys have been revered in this village for two centuries. But being “sacred” is no guarantee of survival.

  • The Great Irony of Animal “Rights”

    The great irony of the animal rights movement is there is still only one species that has any rights at all: humans. But the Nonhuman Rights Project is setting out to change that.

  • Why Mass Extinction Is Part of Human Nature

    Why would a supposedly “intelligent” species behave in a way that’s bringing about a mass extinction – one that will likely take us down along with so many other animals?

    Queen’s Corgis On a Rampage … OMG!

    After playing their role impeccably for the James Bond sequence in the Olympics’ opening ceremony, the Queen’s corgis have disgraced themselves on the royal summer vacation at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. Her Majesty’s six dogs ganged up on Max, an 11-year-old Norfolk terrier belonging to Princess Beatrice as the dogs were all coming in from a walk.

    Killing Prairie Dogs Is Not an Option

    Flagstaff, Ariz., has decided to exterminate the prairie dogs around city parks. Are there too many prairie dogs? Quite the opposite, in fact. They are rapidly disappearing, and we are now down to about 2 percent of the prairie dog numbers that existed 100 years ago.

    Me and My Big Bro

    Kesho and Alf hadn’t seen each other for three years. And in that time, Kesho had really grown up. Now 13 years old, he weighs almost…

    Ryan the Bow Hunter

    A major deer hunting magazine calls him “a diehard whitetail hunter.” (In fact, it’s the deer who dies hard.) Paul Ryan is a bows-and-arrows hunter, who…

    Weekly Recap, August 11 2012

    It’s the ecology, stupid … The movie shooter’s animal connection … parrots know which box has the food … Are cats wiping out birds? … India’s…

    Massive Heat Wave in South Korea

    The current heat wave sweeping South Korea has claimed hundreds of thousands of domestic animals. At least 830,000 farm animals, including 786,000 chickens, 41,000 ducks and…