A new relationship with animals, nature and each other.

Posts tagged ‘Pets’

Dog Waits by Grave – Six Years

When his person died in 2006, Capitan, a German shepherd ran away from home. A few days later, he was found at the cemetery next to his person’s grave. He’s still there. Here’s the story of Capitan – and of some of the other dogs who stayed by their people and wouldn’t leave them.

Feline Fashion Week?

I once talked with Mr. Blackwell, the fashion critic who published the annual “Ten Worst Dressed Women”list (and the book “From Rags to Bitches”.) He supported…

Cookies for Killing

Four years of hard work finding homes for dogs, cats and other homeless pets at the Shelby County animal shelter never won a word of applause from PETA. But the prospect of this no-kill shelter getting out the death potion once again had PETA calling for a celebration. They sent a basket of cookies to congratulate the shelter on deciding they might need to kill some of the animals.

How Now, Ni Hao!

A stowaway kitten who survived three weeks without food or water in a shipping container bound from China to Los Angeles has a new home. Ni…

Is Dog Pee Killing City Trees?

You’ve probably never thought about it as you lead Fido from tree to tree on his neighborhood walk, or as he mingles with other dogs for the latest water-cooler gossip around the trees of the dog park. But there’s mounting evidence that Fido and his pals are killing those trees.

Queen’s Corgis On a Rampage … OMG!

After playing their role impeccably for the James Bond sequence in the Olympics’ opening ceremony, the Queen’s corgis have disgraced themselves on the royal summer vacation at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. Her Majesty’s six dogs ganged up on Max, an 11-year-old Norfolk terrier belonging to Princess Beatrice as the dogs were all coming in from a walk.